Thursday 7 July 2016


Image copyright DC COMICS

So I guess it's true then - LOIS LANE really does go like a horse!  And don't worry - 'the unbreakable spell' was breakable.  (As if you hadn't guessed.)


  1. Lois tried to speak but she was feeling a bit hoarse - boom, boom.

  2. Come back Basil Brush - all is forgiven.


  3. I wonder who did that cover. Nick Cardy or Giordano? Adams?

    And people say writing Superman stories is hard.

  4. I believe it was Curt Swan, Phil - at a guess inked by either Adams or Giordano.

  5. It's got potential this idea, I see Clark offering Lois a coffee at the conclusion, whereupon she snuffles a couple of sugar lumps from his palm. Does Superman utilise a saddle at any time during this narrative or is all strictly bare back?

  6. I'm going to give you a years worth of Superman plots right now.
    1. Lois tries to discover if Clark is Superman. She puts on a disguise as a Gorilla to spy on him at the zoo and gets stuck in the costume.
    2. Jimmy dresses like a girl to follow a crook. again. Strange fellow that Jimmy Olsen.
    3. Superman loses his powers for a day thanks to red Kryptonite.
    4. Superman goes to Kandor to catch his evil double
    5. Perry gets fired and breaks a big story to get his job back
    6. The adult Legion of Superheroes brings Superman to the future to fight Metallo who is still around
    7. An imaginary story. Superman landed on a planet with an orange sun. He's only partly Super. He sacrifices himself to save his friends
    8. Supergirl falls in love with Comet the super horses human indentity. Superman gets a potion from Kandor to make her forget him.
    9. Steve Lombard gets super powers for a day and turns out to be a super jerk after all
    10. Professor Potts invents a shrinking Ray and shrinks Superman by mistake ( I wonder if that already was written?)
    11. Batman visits metropolis. He hangs out with Superman because they're friends and stop various petty crimes. A character study in friendship
    12. Superman fights Terra Man.

    There how hard was that? And they say writing Superman is hard ..

  7. Dunno, DSE - haven't read it. Bareback is always better 'though, isn't it?


    Yeah, but anyone can rattle off plot ideas, Phil. Now turn each one into a 20 page story, with panel-by-panel descriptions, captions and dialogue. Still think it's easy?

  8. I want that script for the gorilla story, can you get it done by the weekend Phil?

  9. In fact, we want them all for the weekend, Phil. No sleep for you.

  10. I follow the Stan Lee school of writing. I give you the plot you fill in the art. Then I'll pencil in the words.
    But the gorilla story does have potential doesn't it......I shall call it - I was a wild gorilla by Lois Lane.

  11. I wish I had thought of this one-superman abandons Lois Lane. She's falling out a building and Superman isn't rescuing her.

  12. But, Phil, this is a DC story - you can't use the 'Marvel Method' on a DC tale. As for Lois Lane - she was a bit of a pest at times, wasn't she? Maybe Superman saved her one time too many.

  13. I agree the cover looks like a classic Nick Cardy with Neal Adams ink certainly on Superman (cant see Adams work on Lois Lane though) - Phil was on the ball re DCs story ideas for Superman and Lois but as a kid I loved DCs stories , simple maybe, but they were fun and its a pity they don't do more like that now (DC is so dark and boring imho).

  14. My first thought was that the Superman figure looked like a typical Curt Swan pose, PM, and when I looked up the cover on the DC Database, ol' Curty-boy is indeed credited as the cover artist. Another site credits Adams as inker.

  15. Sorry I mean to type Curt Swan not Nick Cardy (I had a long day transporting people to and from a concert lol)- I do see what looks to me like Neal Adams inks on the Superman character.

  16. Yes, I can see Adams myself in the inks. However, as Dick Giordano often inked Adams (thus giving Adams a Giordano 'touch'), I thought there was a possibility that he might've inked the cover, hence my uncertainty ('til I looked it up).


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