Friday 1 July 2016


Image copyright DC COMICS

The FOREVER PEOPLE provided some interesting stories in its 11-issue, almost two-year run - as well as some intriguing covers.  The above one in particular jumped out at me from the spinner-rack in a far neighbourhood newsagent's one evening back  in 1972, mainly because of the comely charms of BEAUTIFUL DREAMER.  JACK KIRBY drew some good-looking women in the course of his cosmic comics career, and as a youth, I think I fancied most of them.  (Hey, who wouldn't?)  Have you got a favourite Kirby Kracker?  Tell all in our confessional comments section.


  1. I got this one in Calderwood one Thursday afternoon. Third issue of FP for me and also my second-last of the 70s.

  2. Astonishingly, Dougie, that's exactly where I got my original copy. And as Thursday was pocket-money day, it may well have been when I bought it. It was late afternoon (half-four maybe) and it was getting dark. I got the Sonny Sumo issue in the same shop, and it might have been the same day, but I can no longer remember.

  3. Bizarre! I never saw two copies of any comic on a spinner rack in our area. Thursday was pay day for my dad. I remember I missed Lost in Space if we went to EK in the late afternoon.

  4. I wonder which of us bought our issue first? I also wonder how many times we may have passed each other in the town centre when we were younger, without ever knowing? You never know, one of us could've bought a comic that the other had intended to buy, thereby depriving them of the opportunity. Small world, eh?

  5. I wonder if we did? I think the newsagent in the village was a likely place to pass each other; my dad worked in the Trustees Savings Bank when I was very small and my mum worked for the development corporation and later, as a civilian typist in the police office,

  6. I was often in the Village checking out their three newsagents (four if you counted the one near what is now the Arts Centre), so it's entirely possible. And my father worked in that same police office and is sure to have spoken with your mother. Dougie, we're almost related.

  7. Look let's no honest. Kirby females either looked like Sue Storm or Big Barda. They looked so similar Alicia Masters disguised herself as Sue.
    But since you ask I was fond of Flower from Kamandi probably because Kirby used her so well. By killing her off just as readers thought she was going to be Kamandi's girl friend it reinforced how dangerous his world actually was.

  8. Nah, be honest, Phil - you just liked her because she was topless.


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