Tuesday 26 July 2016


My mate MOONMANDO emailed
the above cartoon to me earlier tonight.
Now that's what I call funny!  Ha-ha.


  1. I've seen that before but I wonder who the artist is!

  2. Dunno, Phil, can't see a signature.

  3. It was posted on Bronze Age Babies last year without the caption. Not that many people got it, but one of those who did correctly said that there should have been 8 grannies! I may have given a clue in the comments,like, "say what you see" or something, smart Alec that I used to be!

  4. Been around that long, eh? Never saw it before tonight, surprisingly. And I know Moony doesn't read BAB blog. Think he saw it somewhere on Facebook. Just like me to come late to the party.

    1. Well, I've got to admit, I've drifted away from it since then. Not really my bag, baby!

  5. Do Daleks carry bags? There's another surprise.

  6. I don't remember seeing it on BAB, but then, I lost interest in that site after the "if you prefer Peter Parker to Miles Morales then you are a racist" argument.

    The cartoon is funny, but, to get the joke, you have to remember the 1966 TV show theme. Even then, it took me a few seconds to get it, because I tended to think of it as "da-da-da-da-da-da-da-da-Batman."

  7. Yeah, I kinda lost interest in the site after that myself, TC. Discuss a controversial subject without controversy? It can't be done. But then to insinuate that people are racists just because they prefer to see a character remain as he was created is taking things too far.

    Regarding the cartoon, I too tend to think of at as da-da-da-etc., but that's probably just out of habit. I got the joke right away, but then again, I'm smarter than the average bear. (Which is probably not much of a claim.)

    1. Whereas I always remembered it as "dinner, dinner, dinner, dinner, Batman"! Yeah the great Miles Morales debate, remember it well, got drawn into it myself by some Anonymous trouble- maker. Anyway the cartoon was around that time.

  8. Now that you've reminded me, JP, I remember that version as well. Although up in Glasgow we said it as 'Dinna dinna dinna dinna, Batman!'

  9. Peter Parker is Spider- man. Miles morales is the new pretender. And a damn stupid idea if you want my opinion.
    I'm old and want some integrity to my comics. and by all means make new heroes minority characters. But don't try to hoodwink us by replacing existing characters.

  10. That's what I think as well, Phil. It's almost reverse racism when they do that. (Too many white guys seems to be their reasoning.)

  11. Yes, this cartoon was on Bronze Age Babies but, like John, I think of it as dinner, dinner Batman so I wouldn't have got the joke. In fact, when I was a kid one of our (adult) neighbours told me the following joke: " What does Batman's mother say when she calls him for his tea - dinner, dinner Batman" - I know, it's hilarious, isn't it. And in the '70s there was an advert for Crosse & Blackwell soup which used the Batman theme tune and went "Crosse & Blackwell, Crosse & Blackwell, Crosse & Blackwell, Crosse & Blackwell - SOUPERCAN !!" and Soupercan was a super-hero...remember that one, Kid ?

  12. It rings a vague bell, CJ, but I'm not sure if I'm remembering that ad or just imagining it. I'll have to see if it's on YouTube. Talking of jokes, a woman has four sons who are all policemen who still live at home. She pokes her head 'round their bedroom door one morning and says "Who all wants porridge for breakfast?" Back comes the reply - "Me maw, me maw, me maw, me maw!"

    Remember, I'm here all week.

  13. Presumably there will be some people telling us that anyone who doesn't like the idea of a 15 year old girl being the new Iron Man is racist, sexist and ageist.

    Since you've mentioned jokes and Glasgow, here is my favourite Joke That Only Makes Sense If You're Scottish: a guy walks into a bakers in Glasgow and says 'Is that a doughnut or a meringue?' and the baker replies 'No you're right, it's a doughnut.'

  14. Undoubtedly, DD. There always are people like that.

    That's one of my favourite daft jokes. I've lost count of the times I've told it.

  15. I think my favourite is: What do you call a Scottish guy who is just outside his house? Hame...ish.

  16. Ah, "Is that a doughnut or am I wrong" - I got it pretty quickly but my dad was from Glasgow so maybe that helps. By the way, Kid, did you hear "I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue" from Glasgow on Radio 4 recently ? This latest series doesn't feature the usual gang of Barry Cryer, Tim Brooke-Taylor and Graham Garden so one of my favourite bits hasn't appeared - Dougal and Hamish, "You'll have had your tea".

  17. That's a good one, DD - I'll be using it.


    Yup, I did, CJ, but Barry Cryer has been in both of the ones I've heard. It's only Graeme Garden and Tim Brooke-Taylor who've been absent from the Glasgow shows.


    It's a belter, MH. Wish I'd thought of it.

  18. Yes, Kid, but I meant the usual trio hasn't appeared together in this series. I also love the funny song/film titles at the end of each episode and I always try to think of my own. Here are some ones they missed on a Scottish theme: Beg, Steal Or Barra, Walking Back To Inverness, Iona Wanna Be With You, My Stirling-a-ling, The Holyrood And The Ivy, Wake Me Up Before You Glasgow-go, Take That Loch Off Your Face.

  19. My brain must be asleep, CJ - I can't think of a single one. I once had a dinner-date with a woman called Iona - she stood me up. (Must've batted for the other side - after all, what heterosexual woman could resist me? Say, why are you reaching for that telephone directory?)

  20. Kid, back to the jokes, in an attempt to make you chuckle after Octopussy/Alice !

    COLIN JONES : "Kid, do you know 'Judge John Deed'?"

    KID ROBSON : "Ah didnae even know he was ELL!"

  21. That's like Bob Hope's response when he was asked if he was a Jehovah's witness. "I didn't even know there'd been an accident!" he said. Imagine Bob Hope saying it and it suddenly becomes funny.


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