Monday 11 July 2016


Okay, so after the pic of JANE RUSSELL
in the previous post, you may be left wondering
"Just what in blazes does Kid see in her?"  Well,
let me show you.  I find this seriously sexy!


  1. You forgot to mention she's imitating Marilyn Monroe hence the wig.

  2. Didn't forget, Phil, just didn't care. She's a hottie whatever colour her hair is. So tell me - Marilyn or Jane?

  3. Marilyn only because she was Marilyn.
    Personally I would have followed Natalie Wood everywhere.

  4. I think I preferred her sister, Lana. Hah, listen to us talking as if either of us would've ever had a chance with any of them.

  5. Caroline Munro walks into the room my mouth falls on the floor. All I can do is look.
    Natalie Wood, I would talk to her. She just seemed that type.
    Dawn Wells ( Mary Ann from Gilligan's Island) would be just the type a man has a shot at. ( ok she was Miss Nevada but you know what I mean. She seemed gorgeous but normal).
    And strangely my wife is a small brunette with a round face so I got lucky.

    Which actresses would you talk to and which would you just go -wow ?

  6. I'd probably just go 'Wow!' to all of them. However, being incredibly handsome with a charismatic personality, they'd all want to talk to me. (Dreams count, don't they?)


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