Friday 3 June 2016


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"Shout - hoo-ray!  And let each one of the crowd try and shout it very loud, in honour of a comic strip of which you're justly proud, for it's TRI-MAN's - great - day!"  (Thanks to Kenneth Grahame's Mr. Toad for the use of that line, and humble apologies for ruining the meter.)  Yup, another four pages of JOHNNY SMALL's superhero alter-ego to thrill and astound you, o panting panelologists!  Get reading!


  1. You know, credit must be given to the way these strips keep the momentum going and leave you waiting for the next episode at the end of each second page! - Perfect timing and a fine template for how to lay out a comic strip!

  2. They certainly moved at a rip-roarin' pace, JP. Not like a lot of today's comics which seem to consist of page-after-page of talking heads.


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