Saturday 11 June 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

JACK KIRBY, at the top of his game, was a superb artist and storyteller, but sometimes even he made a boo-boo.  No doubt such slip-ups transpired because of the relentless production schedule he (and others) worked under, but some of the mistakes were so obvious that they should've been caught and corrected well-before publication.  As you can see in the above cover, The HUMAN TORCH has two left hands, which can hardly be regarded as any kind of a super-power.

Jack wasn't the only artist who did this sort of thing however.  I recall once being given a lettering job for IPC's DICEMAN mag, and a character hanging from a washing line (or cable of some sort) had his left and right hands transposed.  I pointed it out to the 2000 A.D. crew (I was in the office at the time), and they all said "No, it's fine - nothing wrong with it!"  I imitated the position of the guy in the panel so they could see how the hands should look, and they reluctantly conceded I was right.  See?  Not just a letterer, nor only someone blessed with devastating good looks.

More Kirby 'Kock-Ups' soon!

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