Saturday 18 June 2016


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Another dynamic double-episode of SMASH!'s The INCREDIBLE TRI-MAN to astound and amaze all you cavortin' Criv-ites.  Enjoy them while you can, o fellow fans, because there are only another two parts to go in this sensational series.  Yup, a mere 8 pages more and the awesome adventures of JOHNNY SMALL's superhero alter-ego come to an end.  Don't dare miss 'em!   You'd hate yourself - and that would never do!


  1. I honestly can't see what Johnny is going to do about this!
    I guess I'm just going to have to wait, along with everyone else!
    Every week they left you wanting to see the next instalment! Excellent storyboarding!

  2. Oh dear, I've lost the scans of the last episodes, JP - now you'll never know what happens. (Only kidding.)


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