Thursday 9 June 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

I missed the first ish of WONDER WOMAN '77, though I managed to get my grubby hands on #s 2 & 3.  However, the softcover collection containing the first two issues has just been released, meaning that I can ogle the great debut cover to my heart's content.  If you're a fan of the TV show and/or LYNDA CARTER you'll love these stories, and let's face it - the book's worth having for the cover alone!

And, just for good measure, here are the covers for #s 2 & 3.


  1. Not only is the art great look at Wonder Woman's face. She's happy! With today's dark and gritty heroes I'm glad to see a hero who is happy to help.

  2. What woman wouldn't look happy with a body like that?

  3. She's gorgeous and the book isn't half bad either! Pity tho that Andy Mangels has to claim credit for the book in the feature section. is there anything he won't say he hasn't created?

  4. Not familiar with the name, K, although I obviously read the feature section. What's his claim to fame?

  5. Oh, just about everything, Kid(!) ,Lord if the Rings, Harry Potter,first draft of the Bible doubtless I say. If its written he claims he's had a part in it, has enough letters after his name to rewrite the dictionary (under his careful guidance of course) main claim to fame is having everything to do with anything written about Wonder Woman, quite the sad joke he is.

  6. Just looked him up on Wikipedia - you can scratch The Bible off that list, going by what seems to be his primary interest. Of course, as host of this blog, I have to remain neutral, so I can't subscribe to, or endorse, your view of the man when I know next-to-nothing about him. However, I doubt he's likely to think much of me and some of my posts about certain aspects of today's comics, given what some people consider my controversial opinions.


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