Thursday 2 June 2016


Looking for a bookmark, Crivvies?  Well, here's one that was given away in a weekly issue of KNOCKOUT back in the 1970s.  All you have to do is print it out and it's yours.  (Isn't that good of me?)  Then you can use it to mark your place in any books you're reading when you take a break.  Not that I really had to explain that as I'm sure you all know what a bookmark is for.


  1. Yeeeha!
    I asked if you remembered these on one of your recent Knockabout posts.
    It may not have been suggested in the comic,but I thought you put it in your blazer pocket with the hands hanging over the pocket.
    I did not think of it as a bookmark,unless I did, but by wearing it on my person it was a statement of my geekery!

    I also remember there was an assortment of these that week,any ideas?

  2. I just assumed it was primarily a bookmark, although maybe it was also intended for the purpose you suggest. (It rings a bell in fact.) I believe there was a selection of characters, Baab, but I've forgotten where my Knockouts are stored so I can't check which ones until I find them again. (Got a full set.)


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