Wednesday 8 June 2016


My all-time favourite male vocalist is JIM
REEVES, but there are others I hold in almost
equal esteem.  DEAN MARTIN is one of them, so
here he is with a hit song more usually associated
with ROGER MILLER.  Dean does a great job
of it though, dontcha think?


  1. I think I first heard this song thanks to the Proclaimers' version in the '80s. It's one of those songs that sounds good whoever sings it.

  2. Yeah, CJ, The Proclaimer's version isn't too bad at all. I haven't heard more than three versions: Roger, Dean, & The Proclaimers.

  3. It reminds me of a road trip I made to Utah recently. The sign said motel color television! We wondered hie old the sign was since woodwork preserves really well in the desert, that sign could have been forty years old. Or else color tv is a new fangled invention in Utah.

  4. Or perhaps some motels use b&w TVs because they're cheaper to buy?


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