Friday 24 June 2016


Just to clear things up, this is PHIL, a fairly regular commenter.  What I want to know is, is this the Phil who's still commenting nicely (as I assume), or is it the Phil who's sending me abusive comments because I suspected someone else was impersonating him in order to get comments published?  (I'd be surprised if it is.)  Whoever is sending rude remarks has blotted their copybook on this blog - forever.  How some people using the same first name as others expect me to tell between them is beyond me.  (Use surnames as well perhaps?)


  1. I m still here ! And dr strange will be appearing at the July 4 parade. I think in future I shall post as Phil S.

  2. Good man, Phil. That'll help me differentiate between you and any other Phils. Cast a spell on them on July 4th.

  3. I think I've spotted a flaw in the logic here, if there's a person intent on posing as Phil aka Dr. Strange, won't he just post as Phil S?

  4. Emphasis on the word 'if', DSE, if one is posing as another. It'll certainly help to distinguish between different Phils 'though, if there's more than one.

    1. I know! - the real Phil ( above ) could send you a reply for your eyes only, telling you from now on, he will sign as ??, but don't print it, then only you will know and whenever you see a "Phil" not using this secret code will be the imposter!

  5. Ingenious, JP, but 'Phil S' will do for me. I've previously assumed whenever a Phil has left a comment that it was the same Phil, but there seems to have been more than one, possibly two or three for all I know. At least now, I'll know which Phil is which. (Although one of them is barred for his rudeness.)


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