Monday 6 June 2016


Does exactly what it says on the tin - enjoy!


  1. IMHO, the funniest was the ending of My Favorite Brunette, with Crosby as the frustrated executioner.

    That Dean Martin & Jerry Lewis movie was Scared Stiff, a remake of Hope's classic, The Ghost Breakers. Martin & Lewis had a cameo in Road To Bali, and Martin and Frank Sinatra had a cameo in Road to Hong Kong.

    The Western shoot-out at the end was from Alias Jesse James. Besides Crosby, it had cameo appearances by James Arness ("Gunsmoke"), Roy Rogers, Hugh O' Brian ("Wyatt Earp"), Gail Davis ("Annie Oakley"), James Garner ("Maverick"), Ward Bond ("Wagon Train"), Fess Parker ("Davy Crockett"), Jay Silverheels (Tonto in "The Lone Ranger"), and Gary Cooper. Some of the scenes may have later been cut, because of problems with copyrights.

  2. 'The Ghost Breakers' is a brilliant movie, TC, as is Hope's 'The Cat & The Canary'. Don't think I've ever seen 'Scared Stiff'.

  3. A friend of my Dad is a big Bing fan, and I do a Bing flavoured Xmas card every year....2012's was a "What if Bing Crosby had a Marvel comic" and did a bad Jack Kirby imitation on the art.

    My Dad's friend knows Joe Sinnott via the Bing appreciation society, so I e-mailed it to Joe via his son Mark, who replied saying Joe got a laugh out of it (though he was probably appalled at my inking style!)...The UK Bing Crosby Society actually printed it as a back cover to one of their issues!

  4. Yeah, Joe Sinnott's a big, big fan of Bing - I read about it in a book I've got about JS. (I like Bing myself.) Can you make the pic at that link bigger, V&S, 'cos I can hardly see it? Looks good 'though.

  5. Bing also made a cameo appearance, along with John Wayne and Johnny Carson, in Hope's "Cancel My Reservation." Everyone seems to have forgotten it. When a guest on his talk show mentioned it, Carson didn't remember it.

  6. I think I've seen that movie (the title sounds familiar), but it was so long ago I don't remember anything about it. I watched 'Eight On The Lam' on YouTube last week, where 65 year old Bob Hope dates 30 year old Shirley Eaton. (Nice work if you can get it.)

  7. Hi Kid, Here's a link to a larger version of the picture, I think for people clicking on the link who aren't me, they're just seeing a thumbnail, and you have to click on the thumbnail to see the full sized version.

  8. Thanks for that, V&S. When I clicked on the image in the original link, nothing happened, but I've since tried it again (after looking at the 2nd link) and it now does enlarge, so I don't know what was going wrong the first time.


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