Friday 10 June 2016


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"Where's TRI-MAN?" you've doubtless all been asking (irony), so in answer to absolutely no requests, here's the latest double instalment of the incredible one's adventures.  Y'know, as I gad about the streets of Glasgow, I'm often lost in deep contemplation of how to satisfy the strident demands of all you eager Criv-ites.  However, sorry to disappoint anyone, but there's no way I'm tying some bricks to my ankles and jumping into the River Clyde - so you'll just have to come up with a less drastic demand for your usually accommodating host.

Only four more posts to go before Tri-Man reaches the end of the road, frantic ones.  Whatever will you do then?  (Okay, so which wiseguy said buy some bricks for my ankles?)


  1. Yes, we have all been waiting for this next instalment of the greatest British Super-hero since Johnny Future ( until Captain Britain came out!)
    I wish they had kidnapped Beecher, though, instead!

  2. I knew YOU were waiting, JP, but interest in T-M seems a bit thin on the ground. Seems to have been the same back in 1969 as well.

    1. And I knew that you knew that I'd be waiting!
      Going to miss him when it's all over!

  3. You'll be able to revisit him any time you feel like it, JP. (Clickety-click.)


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