Monday, 23 May 2016


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Two titanic TRI-MAN episodes for you this time, folks, as that gives you four SOLANO LOPEZ pages to enjoy.  JOHNNY SMALL's got his work cut out for him when - but wait!  Why tell you when you can read it for yourselves?  So what're you waiting for?  Get reading!


  1. This just keeps getting better! A "super"-villain adversary, plot twists and a cliffhanger! Can't wait to see what happens next!
    By now, were readers writing in to Smash, raving about Tri-Man?
    A Marvel- style UK superhero, brilliantly drawn by Lopez, I mean, what's not to like?

  2. Well, as the strip only lasted for 21 episodes before sinking without trace, JP, I don't think too many readers could've been raving about it, sadly. Me, I liked it.

  3. Who's the fourth? I count only me, you and McScotty. Who'd I miss?

  4. Gah! How could I miss TC? I must pay more attention.


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