Saturday, 21 May 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Back in 2009, MARVEL celebrated its 70th Anniversary by releasing 11 retro-style mags about their heroes from the '30s & '40s.  However, in 1939, Marvel was called TIMELY, and that was the name given to the collected edition which I acquired only a few days ago.  I'd actually bought some of the single issues at the time, but didn't have a complete set, so it was nice to read what I missed back in '09.

The original issues also contained reprints from the '40s, which the book doesn't include, but don't let that deter you from tracking down a copy.  I'm thoroughly enjoying working my way through these excellent tales, which are well-worth the read.  See the mighty Prince NAMOR, The SUB-MARINER, maintain all his regal nobility as he mercilessly disposes of a submarine-load of ruthless NAZIS.  See BUCKY BARNES as the new CAPTAIN AMERICA, in a story that will tug at your very heartstrings.

There's more of course, as you can see from the cataclysmic cover gallery laid before your awestruck eyes.  Cop a gander, then scamper round to your nearest comics shop or bookstore and buy this volume for yourselves.  Trust me, you'll be glad you did!

Coming in part two - the variant covers.  Don't miss 'em!


  1. Nice! Don't remember these. The Destroyer and the Vision return in new forms. I don't recall who that is in Daring Mystery comics though,

  2. Would you believe The Phantom Reporter?

  3. I completely missed this, but it looks great.

    Did you ever read 'Mystery Men?' A criminally under-rated 30s-set series with some really cool characters.

  4. That looks really interesting, OD. I'll keep an eye out for the collected edition. You'd love the Timely volume.

  5. Realy nice gallery, Kid. Makes me think back to the times when I was reading Timely reprints in Fantasy Masterpieces! And I'm instantly transported back in time and space to a caravan in Skegness, back in '68!

  6. I've got quite a few issues of Fantasy Masterpieces, JP, but the reproduction quality of some of the reprint material was awful.

    1. I had the one with the Gil Kane Torch cover and I remember reading that Captain America story and thinking . Boy these old comics look like crap I can't make out anything.

  7. Enjoyed these a lot. While it's true that Fantasy Masterpieces offered up a blurry glimpse of the Golden Age, it was a delicious sample just the same. Loved that comic! I will never part with my back issues.

    Rip Off

  8. It was a great comic, Rip (that morphed into Marvel Superheroes with its 12th ish), but I preferred the '60s reprints to the Golden Age stuff if I'm honest.

  9. They were clearer in their original printings, Phil. Marvel didn't have decent proofs to print from, so just photostatted printed comics and tried to 'clean' them up a little.

    (Originally published 23 May 2016 at 11:55.)


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