Sunday, 15 May 2016


This is where I live on my family estate.  It's a graveyard, and I have this nice little crypt-house, which, much like the TARDIS, is far bigger in the inside than it is on the out.  There's me in the photo below emerging in time to look for something to eat.  There's always some foolish mortal passing through to provide a tasty snack, and being a graveyard, disposing of the leftovers is no problem. 

Despite its severe exterior, it's really quite comfy inside.  You may find that hard to believe so take a look at the pictures below.  There's an underground room where I keep a few of my collectables, and I thought you might like to see them.  But one word of warning - if you ever visit and the church clock starts to toll the midnight hour, get out as quickly as you can before the final chime strikes.  Otherwise you're solely responsible for whatever fate may befall you.  (Buuurrrrppp!  Pardon me, I've just had a bite of someone something.)  Anyway, enjoy the pretty pictures.


  1. All that stuff must have cost you a small fortune, Kid - hopefully you will find a good home for as much as possible before you depart this vale of tears as we all must do.

  2. niiiiiice. any room for a little 'un?

  3. Some of it cost me a large fortune, CJ. And I've no plans to leave the vale.


    Only in the fridge, JB. In case visitors call.

  4. He's suffering from memorabilia, Doctor. Is there no hope?
    None, nurse. None at all.

  5. No hope, no cure, OD. See? Life isn't always bad news.


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