Friday 15 April 2016


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Here's a book that all fans of STAR TREK are sure to love. IDW's handsome volume reprints the first British comic strips based on GENE RODDENBERRY's iconic TV series from the 1960s.  Featuring artwork by HARRY F. LINDFIELD, JIM BAIKIE, RON TURNER and MIKE NOBLE, this is the first in a series that will reprint all the U.K. produced Star Trek comic strips from JOE 90, TV21, and TV COMIC.  I saw this book in a local comicbook store recently, so if you'd like to buy a copy, your nearest outlet is the destination for you.


  1. Have they corrected the 'Captain Kurt' error? I hope not ; )

  2. Then your hopes have been fulfilled, Andrew.

  3. Excellent! There's also a Jim Balkie strip from the TV21 run where he draws Klingon's in a way that foreshadows their Next Generation look.

  4. Yup, that's what I thought when I saw the strip - eerily prescient almost.

  5. Kid - you're gonna send us broke with all of these must-have collections!! Yep, must have this one as well. I always admired the few axamples I'd seen of these, never dreaming that someday they would actually see a collected edition, or two. Surprising really considering how saleable all things Star Trek are. I have three collected volumes of the Gold Key adaptations, by the brilliant and prolific Alberto Giolitti (and probably a bit of ghosting by some of his staff I'm guessing) but these would be a worthy purchase as well, with the top notch art many UK print adaptations bestowed upon these franchises.

  6. They're unintentionally amusing, PC - Kirk and Spock sometimes speak like a couple of right London geezers. Worth having 'though.

  7. $50..... Time to search eBay and Amazon. Coupon clipping time

  8. I'm sure you'll enjoy it. Phil.

  9. I was never a big fan of TV/film to comic stips (with the odd exception such as "Planet of the Apes" from Marvel )and I never got TV21,Joe 90 etc often (ever in the case of Joe 90) but that was my loss as there was some stunning work in these books and this oneof the best - really fantastic the art.I may pick this up if it is at a reasonable price.

  10. Mike Noble artwork, McS - how can you resist?

  11. The only Star Trek strips I remember were in the '70s Trek annuals which were reprints of the Gold key comics - of course, I didn't know that at the time as I'd never even heard of Gold Key. I particularly remembered a Trek annual with an adventure involving a character called Isis so I googled Gold key comics and was able to find the very strip I'd been thinking of - I think it appeared in the 1976 Trek annual.

    (Originally published 15 April 2016 at 14:47.)

  12. I haven't seen any of the Star Trek Annuals in years, CJ, but I think that when TV Comic reprinted some of the Gold Key stuff, it was sometimes abridged in some way. Did they do that with the ST Annuals do you know?

    (Originally published 15 April 2016 at 14:53.)

  13. I haven't got the faintest idea if the strips in the Trek annuals were abridged or not, Kid - but they had a whole annual so I'd assume they would have printed the entire strip. I have very fond memories of those Trek annuals, getting them as Christmas presents.

    (Originally published 15 April 2016 at 15:25.)

  14. Something for me to start collecting in the future perhaps - Star Trek Annuals.

    (Originally published 15 April 2016 at 15:44.)


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