Thursday, 7 April 2016


Copyright relevant owners

Was in a local comicbook store relatively recently and came away with a big batch of goodies.  Amongst the pile of stuff I acquired were the four mags you see before you - comics nostalgia at its very best.  So get along to your nearest shop and buy your own copies before they sell out.  You wouldn't want to live the rest of your life without them.  (Hard-sell?  Me?  Nah!)


  1. That "Back Issue" mag looks very interesting I may pick that one up.

  2. Wow, each one of those looks great. Been a while since I invested in some of this Twomorrows stuff sadly, so must do that. Please rush me my copy, I am over 18.

  3. Well worth doing so, McS - lots of interesting stuff.


    Hi, PD - plain brown wrapper? Hey, just joined your blog, feel free to join mine.

  4. Would love to have the Back Issue and the Conan Alter Ego. I was a big fan of the Marvel magazines.

  5. Straight along to your nearest comic shop, G - they'll be bound to have them. Lots of fascinating stuff in these mags.

  6. Picked up all of these the other day (save for the Captain Marvel Alter Ego which has been out a few weeks). The Jack Kirby Collector issue looks to be the best in a few months and I have been aching to get a good look at the Black and White Back Issue book for a few months now. The new Alter Ego is less compelling but still interesting. Twomorrows is good but they have a tendency to drop a bunch of stuff all at once like this which makes the budget pinch.

    Rip Off

  7. You should do what I do, Rip - I've got a part-time job as a bank robber to help make ends meet. Don't tell anyone 'though.


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