Saturday 2 April 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

All true comicbook fans will be sure to love this great book by TASCHEN The BRONZE AGE Of DC COMICS - a large-sized tome with over 400 colour pages, detailing the years 1970 to 1984.  Rather than me wittering on about it, here's a selection of images to show you just how good it is.  Your local comics shop or bookstore is the place to purchase your very own copy of this valiant volume.  Get going!


  1. Looks great.
    Are there three volumes and if so what do they cover,Kid?

  2. Bronze Age is the 3rd volume, Baab. The two preceding it are the Golden Age (vol 1) and the Silver Age (vol 2). If I get them I'll show them on the blog, don't worry.

  3. Philip Crawley2 April 2016 at 22:19

    Looks just as good as you'd expect from Taschen. I have the Silver Age volume (1956-70) and these things are indeed massive. The covers and art inside reproduced much larger than the original printings - great to see all of that fine detail, for better or for worse, be it fine inking or less than precisely registered printing!
    I believe the three volumes were originally printed as one huge tome that you just about need a forklift to handle!! Google an image of this monster and be gobsmacked. Always meant to track down an (affordable) copy of the Bronze Age, brings back so many memories just looking at the samples on those pages you put up - so I'll have to have another look to see how much it sells for these days. I bet the postage will be a killer though, given the weight of these, unfortunately.

  4. Yes, the one huge volume was spectacular, PC, but I understand that the individual books have some added content. I'm not sure they're always accurate when it comes to attribution (for example, there's a 'DC Explosion' ad that's credited to Jim Aparo, but it looks like a George Tuska/Vince Colletta piece), and there's some mistakes in the text (repetition of words), but the images are brilliant. I wonder if Taschen will do the same thing with their Marvel volume, split it into separate volumes I mean.

  5. Thanks for posting! I'm thinking about picking this one up, and it was good to see some large, quality photos of some of the contents. Are most of the iconic Batman and Superman covers of the time period included? Anything with Lex Luthor in the purple and green spandex?

  6. Unfortunately, it's not at hand for me to check, being stored in a box somewhere, but I doubt you'd be disappointed if you bought a copy. I was well-pleased with it and I'm hard to impress.


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