Sunday 17 April 2016


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Okay, the one above is actually a DANDY/BEANO Summer Special, but it counts as the first one for both comics so I just had to include it here.  From 1963 to '73, here are the front covers of all the Beano Specials to prod a few memories.  Which ones did you have, Crivs?  Share your reminiscences in the comments section.

Oh, go on then.  As a special treat, below is the full cover for the very first one.  Don't ever say that I'm not good to you all!


  1. Bear fish is giving me nightmares

  2. It's making me hungry for a fish supper.

  3. I prefer the Summer Specials to the Beano books with its size, gloss and colour. The 1964 one is very rare and for a long time I thought that it didn't exist.

  4. The Specials really were special back then, weren't they? It's a shame that they don't do them that way today.

  5. Blimey, some of those are fairly horrifying!

    Used to love getting all the Summer Specials though... Usually at the end of the holiday I'd get the Beano and Dandy (and sometimes Beezer, Topper and Buster) ones to read in the car on the way home... The 1992 Summer Special was the first Beano I ever got!

    Time was back then it'd be easy to find Summer Specials at car boot sales (oh for those pre-eBay days...), think I've got most of them from 1976-2002 now.

  6. The thing I liked about the DCT Summer Specials, THB, was their over-large dimensions. They didn't have the page count of the IPC ones, but because they were tabloid size (or thereabouts), they were a feast to the eyes.


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