Thursday 3 March 2016


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  1. I'm not really a fan of superhero movies but Dominic Cumberbatch looks spot-on as Dr. Strange in the upcoming film.

  2. That is high in my list of must buys

  3. Looks brilliant.
    I really like these Omnibus editions,I have The Invisibles edition and as long as the binding is not too tight they are
    a good investment.
    $75. is about £52.
    Thats 520 returned ginger bottles.

    Do they still give you a return on your ginger bottle?

  4. So will you be going to see it, CJ?


    And mine, G. Can't wait, even 'though I've already got the stories several times over.


    The new Marvel Omnibus editions have more flexible spines, Baab, and flop open easily to facilitate ease of reading. Dunno about the ginger bottles.

    1. I think I have most of these in the marvel masterworks vol 1 and 2. I think it's cheaper for me to find vol 3 and 4 than get the omnibus. I'm going to resurrect my Dr Strange costume for convention season...

  5. I have a 5 page commission of the origin of Dr Strange by Paul Smith :)

  6. I'm sure we'd all like to see that, G - share it with your fellow Criv-ites.


    If you have the early Masterworks volumes, Phil, there was some clumsy restoration on Dr. Strange's first appearance. Better proofs were used in more recent editions, but the Omnibus will be great because it's just all Ditko at his best from superior sources. (And it's a bigger page size.)

  7. How do I post images here ? Should I email you scans ?

  8. Post them on your blog, G, and I'll do a post which provides a link to it.

  9. Hey Kid, I don't keep a blog . . .

  10. Ditko / Lees run on Dr Strange is one of my favourite strips ever and even although I have a lot (not all) of these in other formats I think I may have to get this one (Aand I have a birthday soon so that's on my wish list) it looks like its going to be all Ditko (unless I've read the blurb wrong) which is excellent - Nice Alex Ross cover.

    baab: they only recently stopped money back on "ginger" bottles (in Scotland at least)

  11. G, if you click on your name it takes you to your profile page, and there on your profile page is 'Gerry's Blog'. If you click on that, you get taken to your blog, of which I am your first and only member. It has no posts, but your pages could be your first. (As for the blogs you follow, feel free to add mine to your list.)


    No, you're right, McS, it's just the Ditko stories. I usually go for the original artist's covers, but that Alex Ross one appeals to me so much, I'm as yet undecided as to which one I'll go for.

  12. ive added the black and white originals, and also the version coloured by Ian Sokolowski :)

  13. And I've now added a post with a link. You'll be famous.


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