Monday 28 March 2016


For fans of the classic series of THUNDERBIRDS, CORGI are releasing a new range of diecasts in May.  Well, to be honest, TB2 and FAB 1 were released back in 2005, but TB1 and TB3 are new.  Priced at £19.99 each (TB1 & TB3 count as one item), they're very reasonably priced considering what some people are asking for Corgi's 2005 TB2 and FAB 1 on eBay.

It's interesting to note that, unlike its 2005 release, this latest edition of FAB 1 doesn't have the ROLLS ROYCE radiator ornament The SPIRIT Of ECSTASY, making it (in my eyes) less collectable than the earlier version.  I wonder if RR refused permission, or whether Corgi would've had to pay for the privilege and decided not to in order to keep costs down.  Anyone know?

Incidentally, TB1, TB2, TB3, and TB4 are clearly modelled after the MATCHBOX versions of the early '90s (though TB1 has a better finish).  FAB 1 has all the same features as the '60s DINKY classic, but its profile is less sleek-looking.  


  1. Is the show on tv? Are these kids toys or collectors items ? Or a push for the new CGI tv show?

  2. As far as I know, Phil, the original show isn't on TV and I don't know whether the new one is or not. These, I suppose, qualify as both toys AND collectors' items, and are based on the original '60s show. The clue was in the word 'classic'.


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