Tuesday 15 March 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

A dramatic JIM STARLIN cover graces DAREDEVIL's debut in MWOM #20, cover-dated February 17th 1973.  Amazingly, 44 years later, DD is still appearing in the monthly incarnation of this very same title!  Here's a thing (no pun intended) though - how the heck did he manage to burst through that circular paper disc when The HULK and The THING are standing directly behind it ?  (Answers on a postcard...)


  1. Perhaps Daredevil is bursting through the cover itself rather than just the paper disc - the Hulk and the Thing are printed on the cover which means he could burst through them...best I could come up with :D

  2. Well, that's certainly an imaginative explanation, CJ, but does that mean the cover is human size, or is Daredevel tiny? And it would hardly be courteous of Thing and Hulkie to use an illustration to welcome their new co-star, rather than turn up in person. I think it would be in their Marvel contract to do personal appearances on occasions such as this. (I mean, they're real, aren't they?!)

  3. Great memories seeing that excellent Starlin cover again - I still have that issue in my collection and recall liking it quite a bit so might look it out again. Can you remember if they told us the week before if DD was appearing when Spidey got his own comic (or was it a surprise?)

  4. Yup, they told us the week before, McS, so all we eager Marvelites knew what to expect.

  5. Oh my god . I had this. Of course my mind was thinking oooo the old costume. Good I haven't read those stories. Was this cover ever used for anything other than MWoM ?

  6. It was drawn specially for MWOM, Phil, but as to whether it was ever used again somewhere else - ? Don't think so, but couldn't say for sure.

  7. Ben Grimm got his paper disc out again for Titans 31. A totally different cover with Namor holding the other side while Ghost Rider burst through.

  8. So he did. I prefer the MWOM one 'though, Chris.


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