Monday 28 March 2016


The fun just goes on and on!  This time up it's GRIMLY FEENDISH's
back page eggs-capade from SMASH! #61, way, way back in 1967.  Wow!
Nearly 50 years ago - doesn't time fly!  Looks like the yolk's on GF!  (Hey
 if you think it's easy writing bad 'egg' puns, then come up with your own!)


  1. Oooh! scary stuff indeed - 50 years ago and as soon as I saw this I was immediately taken back to the 1960s - I vividly remember reading this “Grimly Feendish” strip as a wee boy yikes!

  2. An obvious rip-off of the Addams Family's Uncle Fester, but none of us kids realized it at the time. Ah, happy days, eh, McS?!


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