Saturday 26 March 2016


Images copyright DC COMICS

One of my favourite newsagent's back in the '70s was an R.S. McCOLL's in the Old Village quarter of my town.  It was situated next door to an old-fashioned tearoom called The WILLOW, which was like a LYONS tearoom from the 1950s.  Nowadays, what was The Willow is part of a Chinese or Indian restaurant, and the newsagent's is now a GREGGS, both of whose original incarnations I miss in equal measure.  Roll on that Lottery win so that I can buy and restore them to their former glory.

Just some of the comics I recall buying in that particular McColl's were The DEMON #1, SECRET ORIGINS #1JOURNEY Into MYSTERY Annual #1, KULL The CONQUEROR #1, as well as this post's favourite comic of the past - SWAMP THING #1. Doubtless there were many other mags (some of them British) I bought in that much-missed shop, but these are the ones which spring to mind at this moment.  So let's take a look at some of the pages from that classic issue of Swamp Thing - comics don't get any better than this.

And if you have any memories of (or observations on) this magnificent mag, then share them with the rest of us.

And below is a pic from the '50s of the tearoom and newsagent's. The Willow's premises had a windowed extension just out of view to the left of the tree to accommodate more tables and chairs. 

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