Saturday 5 March 2016


DIANA RIGG looks like she should
be delivering boxes of MILK TRAY after
jumping out of helicopters, or off tall cliffs,
evading sharks - and all sorts of spectacular
stuff.  (She wouldn't need to tempt me with
chocolates to succumb to her charms.)
 Yup, she certainly has 'M appeal'.


  1. Sure was a babe back in the day. I saw her on Game of thrones. I wonder how many of today's youth would pick up their chins off the floor if you showed them Dame Diana back in the day?

  2. All of them, surely, Phil. Real beauty is timeless.

  3. I just did a google search and do you know she had am American tv series called Diana?
    New to me!

  4. If I ever did know, I'd long since forgotten. I'll take a look when I get a chance.

  5. "Diana" ran on NBC-TV (IIRC) in 1973-74. It was a routine sitcom, with a premise suspiciously similar to the Mary Tyler Moore show, but it was worth watching just for Diana.

    She also hosted the PBS anthology series "Mystery" in the 1990's, introducing episodes of British crime dramas, including Sherlock Holmes (with Jeremy Brett), Poirot (David Suchet), Inspector Morse, Dalgleish, Prime Suspect (Helen Mirren as Detective Jane Tennyson), and Chandler & Company.

  6. She had her own show called 'The Mrs. Bradley Mysteries', TC, which she introduced on the PBS series 'Mystery'. There were only five episodes altogether 'though.


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