Sunday 27 March 2016



More Easter treats from SMASH! #116.  This time it's two pages of BAD PENNY, who, when she was bad, she was very bad - and when she was very bad, she was funny.  (I don't even know if that makes any sense, but it sounds good so it'll do for me.)  Not drawn by LEO BAXENDALE, I'm informed - I really should enlarge these pages and examine them before attributing them to any particular artist, shouldn't I?!


  1. It is a nice example of Odhams Press senior editorial staff – Alf Wallace, Albert Cosser (Cos) - having some inside fun (or perhaps the scriptwriter having some fun at their expense). I believe it was quite common in POW! strips, less so in SMASH! By the way, I seriously doubt this one was drawn by Leo Baxendale.

  2. Now that I take another, closer, look at it, Irmy, so do I. It looked like Bax at a cursory glance when I chose it from thumbnail sized images. I've therefore amended the text. Someone else also doubts it's by Bax, but their comment doesn't get published because they're anonymous.

  3. Whoever it's by, it's still a work of art.

  4. Indeed, MC. I always preferred Bad Penny to Minnie the Minx for some reason, despite them being cut from the same cloth.

  5. Didn't Baxendale sign every single page he drew for the Power comics?

  6. Dunno, he might've. I know he did on Wham! (at least on the early issues), but I don't know about Smash! I never really looked for his signature, just saw Penny in panel 6 at thumbnail size and assumed it was by Bax. However, as we all know, one must never assume - because that's how to make an ASS out of U and ME.


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