Monday 14 March 2016


Remember when PENELOPE CRUZ
was dating action man TOM CRUISE?  (I
call him 'action man' because he's around the
same height as one.)  My local newspaper once
referred to them as 'Mr. & Mrs. Tom Cruise'.
They weren't married, and their surnames were
spelt differently, demonstrating the skills of my
local journalists.  So okay, that's nothing to do
with her being easy on the eye, but feel free
 to admire her outstanding beauty.


  1. Kid, if you're interested pop over to Andrew May's blog because I've added another comment in our little "exodus from Earth" discussion - but this'll be the last one...honest :D

  2. Answered. CJ, I've asked you before not to delete your comments after I've taken the time to answer them. You said you wouldn't, but you're still doing it. Perhaps it would be better to put a little more thought into your comments before posting them, then you wouldn't feel the need to pull them afterwards. However, it's extremely irritating, and if you keep doing it I simply won't publish them from now on. Okay?

  3. You don't leave me with much choice, Kid, so okay :)


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name. For those without a Google account, use the 'Name/URL' option. All comments are subject to moderation and will
appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
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