Monday 1 February 2016


A screen-grab of the actual Twitter response

Remember me telling you about some @rse starting a Twitter acount in my name and using my avatar?  I was informed by Twitter themselves that the account was inactive.  Now it's started up again, presumably because the diddy who started it enjoyed the attention his handiwork received on my blog.

Oh, the vitriol.  Clearly the work of a disturbed mind.  Oh, well, guess I'll have to contact Twitter again.   Watch this space for further developments.


  1. A direct message to the perp who no doubt is reading your blog. You are crossing the line, turning jest into harassment. If you have an argument then use the Comments box. The rest of us do. Better still, pause for thought, drop your obsession and redirect your energy into something more constructive. Thank you.

  2. Thanks for the support, Chris, but he obviously doesn't think he's doing anything wrong. Clearly a few sandwiches short of a picnic. But, hey, let's look on the bright side - my hits are waaaaay up. People see his nonsense on Twitter and wonder what all the fuss is about. They'll soon twig to him 'though.

  3. I suppose, technically, that it is harassment, but I don't feel harassed 'cos he's obviously just a loser with no connection to reality. He shouldn't be using my name and avatar 'though.


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