Saturday 6 February 2016


Photo taken by Tongalad on his 'phone

Popped in briefly to a comic mart in my home town today and met one of my heroes, who kindly posed for a photo before exterminating latecomers.  H'mm, with a change of outfit, I think I'd make a great DOCTOR.  (Or do I just need one?)


  1. Neat! Does he move or talk? ( I meant the evil one...not the human).

  2. The human IS the evil one. But yes, Delbert Dalek was fully functioning.

  3. That is so cool. Next time if he's still there video him ( the Dalek not the human )....

  4. If I'd known he was going to be there, I'd have taken my digital camera, which has a video option. I was lucky my pal had his 'phone on him, but it doesn't have a great camera on it. (Did the job 'though.)

  5. Would you believe you were one of 3250 people who attended ? Not bad for Greenhills !

  6. Excellent, I would say, G. I'm surprised, 'cos I only heard about it through a pal a few days before the event - was it well-advertised?

  7. Were any guests there? Those tv stars charge a lot for signed photo's.

  8. As well as the Dalek, there were some Star Wars cos-players, but no guests that I'm aware of. The only big name I saw was myself when I caught sight of my reflection in a door window. (Now who says I can't do self-deprecating humour?)

  9. There were a few posters, lots of Facebook stuff if you knew where to look. They missed a trick not reaching out to the nearby schools, that could have upped the numbers. There were plenty kids though, we took our 7 year old daughter who loved it, except for the storm troopers who really scared her

  10. You should be guest! Local artist and all that.

  11. Wasn't she scared of the Dalek, G? I'd have thought that was more scary to a 7 year old?


    I did a couple of appearances at shops a good number of years ago, C, but I wouldn't do it now in the unlikely event of being asked. I'd feel a bit of a proon sitting there as if I'm worthy of the attention.

  12. She likes daleks, we have one of those remote control daleks which she enjoys playing with :)

  13. Good girl. Daleks are brilliant! I'm going to marry one. (A female one obviously.)

  14. I wasn't aware of a comic mart in Greenhills even and I work in EK - how were the comic book stall the usual boxes of 90 - 2015 comics or some good ones in there also? (not a Dr Who fan but the Dalek looks kinda cool)

  15. Just like a normal Glasgow comic mart, McS, like the type you'd get in an average-sized hall. I was surprised, to be honest - I was expecting a rather feeble affair, but it had a mix of comics and stuff to suit most collectors. (Daleks are always cool!)

  16. I think that Dalek was custom-made and may not have ever been on the telly? It looks to me like one of the newer bronze designs, only painted in the style of the first movie, but with silver horizontal waist bands, rather than gold. All in all, a nice combination.

  17. That's what I thought might be the case, JP, but it's possible that it was based on one of the many variants in Asylum of the Daleks. They seemed to have all sorts on that episode.

      Finally tracked down your Dalek, thanks to a member of the forum, - he was one of 7 made for a "Power Of The Daleks" fan film!
      Thought I didn't recognise him, - they were sprayed in the colours of the second movie!
      Case closed!

  18. So are the colours of the Dalek in my photo 'customized'? That is, has that colour scheme ever appeared 'officially' in Dr. Who? Gotta know!

    1. Nope, not on the telly or movies, that's why I didn't recognise him! They are made from the same mould as the new bronze TV Daleks. Right now, I'm searching for the 3 part fan film, but there are only trailers, teasers and snippets on You Tube.

  19. Ta much, JP. I'll maybe get around to seeking out that fan film myself when I have more time.


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