Friday 5 February 2016


Who doesn't like CALVIN & HOBBES?  Then you're a weirdo!


  1. Brilliant stuff Im going up the loft later to look out my Calvin and Hobbes collections for another read

  2. Hope they're well-wrapped, McS. Lofts aren't always the best places for storing stuff if you want to keep it in pristine condition.

  3. I have the whole run in a two-volume, slip-cased edition. It weighs about as much as a small car!
    One of the greatest comic strips in the history of the industry.

  4. I like the sound of that slip-cased edition, MC. I feel an exploratory visit to eBay coming on (once I've got a few other books out of the way, that is).

  5. Yeah I also have a couple of collected volumes, just paperbacks, unlike the apparently massive tome mentioned above. Always enjoy browsing through them and never fail to laugh at strips I must have laughed at many times before (they never get old, even if I do). That guy draws a great dinosaur as well, in some of Calvin's fantasy cutaways. Big Dinosaur fan am I, or a fan of big dinosaurs; either way. I admire the fact (which I guess is true - read it on the net so...), that Watterson has turned down big bucks to hand his characters over to the Hollywood movie machine.

  6. I suppose he must be rich already then, PC, eh? You never know, Hollywood might just possibly do the characters justice. However, I see his point (at which I guess) - it works better as a strip, and that's the way he wants it to stay.

  7. "I suppose he must be rich already then..." - or he could be somebody with that rare thing called integrity. Hollywood would ruin the characters and he knows it so he's not interested in the big money they offer which is extremely admirable.

  8. Being rich and having integrity aren't necessarily mutually-exclusive, CJ. And who knows whether Hollywood would ruin the characters? They do occasionally get things right you know. And I doubt that even a bad movie would affect the popularity or reputation of the strip - it's too well known for being brilliant already.

  9. Just finished a reread recently. Often wonder if Watterson has ever done any more for his own amusement

    Did you visit the Greenhills mart today by any chance ?

  10. I think Watterson just didn't want the mass marketing that successful characters like the Simpsons etc had with their picture on everything from t-shirts to mugs to £1 shop novelties etc - not sure I ve seen many Calvin and Hobbes characters(not superheroes which imho some have been good) done well by Hollywood ETC - the US Dennis the Menace films were not great, Charlie Brown cartoon series I thought was lame (not seen the new movie which looks good) saying the Paddington movie and kids show was pretty good.

  11. That's an interesting thought, G, because I'll bet the ideas just keep on coming. Yup, I was there with a pal for about half an hour when it started. Liked the Dalek, 'though I don't remember seeing that colour scheme before.


    I'll bet if he was poor, he'd have struck a deal, McS. (Integrity or not.) You know what the Chinese say: "First secure an income, then practice virtue." Loved the Paddington TV series (haven't seen the movie) with Michael Hordern doing the voices - superb. Proves it can be done.


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