Tuesday 9 February 2016


The first BOND Babe - and, to many,
the best - URSULA ANDRESS.  She's a
goddess, ain't 'She' ?  (Did you see what I
 did there, film fans?  Clever me!)


  1. And she played another goddess - Athena (or Athene as they insisted on saying) in Clash Of The Titans from 1981. I don't think she's been in anything since, has she ?

  2. Guess what, CJ - she wasn't playing a goddess, she IS one. And she's doubtless been in quite a few men's dreams since 1981 - does that count?

  3. The Internet Movie Data Base lists some appearances by her as late as 2005, although they got fewer and further between after 1983. She seems to have semi-retired after her son was born.

    She has the distinction of appearing in the first official Bond movie (Dr. No), the 1967 Bond spoof Casino Royale, and being mentioned by name in a Bond novel (On Her Majesty's Secret Service) by Ian Fleming.

  4. Thanks for that, TC. I'll be sure to look out for her name when I eventually get around to re-reading the book. She's certainly a honey. (Geddit?)


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