Wednesday 20 January 2016


Images copyright relevant owner

Okay, Criv-ites, here's a little treat for you.  The first of a four part presentation of the complete issue of WHIZZER & CHIPS #7 from 1969.  This was when the comic featured not just outright humour strips, but 'action/adventure' ones also.  (Though it has to be admitted that the ones in this issue have a vein of light comedy running through them.  That would change when WONDER CAR joined the ranks, illustrated by TV21 DALEKS artist RON TURNER.)

So, are you old enough to have bought this comic regularly when you were a kid, and if so, what did you think of it?  How do the comics that your kids or grandkids buy today measure up to it in your opinion?  One thing that impresses me is the fact that it's easy to see what's happening at a glance, without getting a headache trying to dechiper just what you're looking at.  Not a facility that some cartoonists today have yet mastered, in my humble opinion.

Anyway, enjoy the pages on view, and don't forget to come back for the next three parts in this super series.


  1. Got to chuckle at that last page- we've recently got a pup who is just like that with his bone chews! He's got them stashed all over the house!!
    And we absolutely love him to bits!!

  2. I'm fond of puppies myself - especially in pairs.

    1. We actually nearly did get a pair, as I suggested getting his sister too!
      THANK GOODNESS we didn't, as he's a proper terror!! Twice as much mayhem doesn't bear thinking about!!

  3. Twice as much love - 'though twice as much pain when they go.

  4. I like Sid's snake lol. And I think I mentioned I swear I saw plastic snakes in curio stores that colour. They wee the plastic ones made of sections where you lick it the tail and the far of the body sways. Probably just a popular colour combo or it's possible the factory owner was a fan. It was probably from Hong Kong which got lots of British comics.

  5. You never know, Phil - perhaps the artist based Slippy on one of those toys.

    (Originally posted on 21 January 2016 at 23:09.)

  6. What the hell auto correct !

    (Originally posted on 21 January 2016 at 23:33.)

  7. Nah, corrected cut & paste.

    (Originally posted on 21 January 2016 at 23:35.)


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