Friday 29 January 2016


Here's something that fans of WHATEVER HAPPENED TO
THE LIKELY LADS will be sure to find interesting.  Take a look.


  1. If this kind of thing is of interest to you generally (and I'll admit I find it very much so), may I suggest you check out

  2. Ooh, that looks interesting, BS. Copped a gander - I could spend hours over there.

  3. I watched the Likely Lads film on YouTube recently and it included the brilliant line "In the chocolate box of life the top layer is already gone and somebody has pinched the orange creams from the bottom" - in the film Bob says that line but I'm almost certain it first appeared in the Whatever Happened...TV show and it was Terry who originally said's the kind of thing Terry would say. I've also seen some of the '60s black & white episodes on YouTube - I can see now that the way the film ends is a kind of reverse of the way the '60s series ended.

  4. Actually, CJ, it's 'orange cream' in the singular, and it's been one of my favourite lines since I first saw the movie back in the '70s. In fact, I think I referenced it on the blog somewhere ages ago. I've got all the surviving '60s episodes on DVD, as well as the '70s series (and the film), and I don't think that line appears anywhere but the movie. And well-spotted on detecting the similarity of what happened to Terry in the last '60s episode and what happens to Bob at the end of the film. "Quite apt 'though but" considering it was the characters' swan song. There's a clip of the duo from 'Christmas with the Stars' (I think it's called) on YouTube, first shown in 1964.


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