Tuesday 5 January 2016


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Alas, alack, we've now reached the end of our little series of cover galleries for MARVEL U.K.'s The SUPER-HEROES, which graced newsagents' counters for less than a year back in the mid-'70s.  If you bought this comic mag back in the day, you can now relive your youth by perusing the pages of this pulse-pounding periodical in the present and previous posts at your pleasure and leisure, whenever the fancy takes you.

And, even if you've never seen it before, you can enjoy the thrill of first-time discovery, which is sometimes the very best thrill of all.  No, don't bother to thank me - I live only to spread joy to others.  (It's my mission in life.)


  1. That reminds me, you posted the UK Black Knight stories. I really liked those, I always felt Black Knight was a better fit for Marvel UK than Captain Britain himself. Also imagine if you were the inker for any Thing strip and Jack of hearts was the guest star !

  2. Yeah, the Thing on his own is bad enough to ink, I'd've thought.

    1. What do you know there was a Jack of Hearts : Thing team up. Hope he got paid twice scale for the art poor Chic Stone.http://www.denofgeek.us/books-comics/marvel/248696/marvel-two-in-one-25-unusual-team-ups

  3. I only bought #9 out of The Super-heroes entire 50-issue run so its' demise didn't mean anything to me at the time but I feel it was something of a wasted opportunity and could have been a much better weekly. It featured so many second-rate characters - I know, Kid, that you hold the original X-Men in high regard but not many agree with you and even you only like them because they remind you of those '60s Odhams comics. And as for the other characters...the Silver Surfer (yawn)...and The Scarecrow ? The Cat ? Bloodstone...who ? Doc Savage ? A decade-old Giant-Man ? It's as if Marvel UK assembled the most mediocre bunch they could think of. And to add insult to injury the second half of the weekly's run had so many appalling covers. By the way, the first issue of Super Spider-Man & The Super-Heroes came out on the weekend before my 10th birthday :D

  4. Nope, you're wrong again, CJ. I don't ONLY like the X-Men tales because they remind me of the '60s - although that's no doubt why I have a warm affection for them in memory. I mainly like them because they're entertaining enough little tales, and do what they say on the tin. I even bought the Masterworks and Omnibus volumes of them, even 'though I've got them in various other publications. As for not many people agreeing with me, how do you know? Have you polled the entire planet? There may be a few commenters who don't like them much, but that's not necessarily representative of comics fandom as a whole. The Silver Surfer was excellent, and he's on his way to your house right now to blast you with his power cosmic.

  5. I agree the Surfer is a great character, sure some of his 60s strips were a bit heavy on the navel-gazing but for its time that was pretty new for a comic character. The "Abomonation" tale (issue 12 of the US comic) is in my top 10 comics of all time to this day. Bloodstone was also interesting probably more like a UK strip. I was never a fan of the early X-Men strips (although I preferred the Kirby issues to the Werner Roth ones) but it seems to have had a following.

  6. Although the Werner Roth X-Men tales were usually laid out by Kirby, McS. I think the Alex Toth Juggernaut story is an absolute belter of a tale - full of suspense. (Okay, Norrin, you can restore CJ back to his human form now - he's learned his lesson.)

  7. He must've got an extra-long deadline on that one, Phil.


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