Saturday 9 January 2016


Image copyright MARVEL COMICS

In almost a month's time it will be February 10th - 43 years to the day (which was a Saturday back in 1973) since SMCW first landed on newsagents' counters the length and breadth of Britain.  I really should wait 'til then, but there might be no snow in a month, so here's an extract from a post I did back in 2013.


It's snowing outside as I type this - and it was snowing 43 years ago as I chapped a friend's door to show him my copy of the newly purchased SMCW #1.  He wasn't up and out of bed yet - and because his mother was too ignorant to invite me in to wait (as mine would've done in his case), I took shelter in one of a row of under-construction lock-ups around the corner from his house and waited for him to get up and greet the day.  He had only moved to the house a week or so before and, being quite a distance from mine, I was reluctant to make the return journey so soon after arriving.

As I stood in that grey, doorless lock-up while the flakes swirled outside, I again browsed through my latest comic acquisition, bought that snowy Saturday morning from my local newsagent's.  I have other memories associated with other copies of that same first issue, obtained at different times and under different circumstances, but that's the one which is foremost in my mind as I watch the snowflakes dancing outside my window - just as they danced beyond the opening of that cold and cheerless lock-up four decades ago today.


  1. OK, Mr UK, please explain...what exactly are you doing when you're chapping a door?

    (It sounds downright rude)

  2. Oh, you are awful. Chapping equals knocking - does that sound as rude?

  3. I remember the mask was a paper bag. It was a time machine comic though as I knew these were reprints but they were new to me!

  4. The stories had appeared before in Pow! and Fantastic in the '60s. And I've still got that paper bag.

  5. Already did, ages ago, Phil. Search through the SMCW posts on the blog.


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