Tuesday 8 December 2015


Well, I said I'd deal with it and I'm a man of my word.  No issue with his comments about comics helping kids with reading skills, because I had a wider vocabulary than my peers due to my consumption of them.  However, when I look at 'comics' in my local supermarket, what I mostly see are periodicals that are only called 'comics' out of convenience, rather than because they actually are.  Is a comic a comic just because it's categorized as one in a shop, or does it have to meet a more specific standard?  We'll get into this more detail later, as he develops his theme.

Think about that for a moment.  The 'main goal' of those who 'attack' the 'industry' is to 'bring it to its knees and put everyone in it out of work for their own selfish reasons'.  Have you ever read a more ludicrous statement?  And by what super-natural means does he divine the inner motivations of other people's minds? Perhaps it's simply nothing more than some comic readers who love them as a medium complaining about the downward spiral they appear to be in, and speaking out because they want things to improve?  Nah, couldn't be that, could it?  They must be evil.

'Trying to put adults off buying comics' and trying to 'take this brilliant way of developing reading skills away from children' is another hysterical (and I don't mean funny) assertion based on nothing more than an insane fantasy of his own invention.  Did even Dr. Fredrick Wertham at his most extreme ever declare a more ridiculous notion (as his critics would claim) based, not on fact, but on nothing more than a determined desire to diminish the views of those with whom he disagrees.

This is clearly a man on a mission, who doesn't seem to care by what means he accomplishes it.  No exaggeration is too huge for him, no distortion or invention too great.  Watch and see.

Well, I can certainly see a gaping hole, though not in the so-called 'theory' he ascribes to others, but in his gross misrepresentation of it.  I have, on the odd occasion, concluded that one or two comic contributors, in putting a positive spin on the state of either a specific comic or the condition of the 'industry' in general, have done so with an eye on how such loyalty to 'the cause' might benefit their long-term career prospects, than from a desire to present an accurate assessment of how things actually are.

Think about it.  Do you really believe some individuals are completely unaware of how being perceived as 'biting the hand that feeds them' might not exactly impress those who employ them?  Freelancers are at the mercy of commissioning editors, and so must often tread a delicate path.  Such is reality, my friend.  However, contrary to what is claimed, neither I (nor anyone that I know of) has ever claimed that absolutely every comics contributor who may have a more positive attitude on the current state of play than I (and others) do, holds that view because of a vested-interest.

So, again, a vast difference between the facts and the assertion.  And this is a theme that runs through the person's entire blog post.  And as for 'trolls' having 'the vested interest', in what way exactly?  Do they get financial remuneration for destroying the comics 'industry', or are they in line for an O.B.E. as a reward for all their hard work?  The guy talks more pish than Mr. Pishy of Pish Street, Pishtown, in the County of Pishshire.  Gimme strength someone.

Anyway, I'm off for a cuppa and a biccie - see you all in part two if you're interested in truth, justice and fair play.  We'll likely have a Babe of the Day or two in between parts though, 'cos there's a helluva lot to cover.


  1. Yeah some really silly knee jerk comments on that article when looked at like this, that have perhaps spoiled what I still thank was a pretty valid article. However it really was bad journalism to say that some people want to put those working in comics out of work and wanting to curtail kids reading skills etc with absolutely no evidence to back it up, that a serious accusation to make.

    I do however think it is normal human behaviour to protect the area you are working hard in especially when you are passionate about it and feel you are giving it your all - I accept that there may well be cases where that is only stated for self interest but it may also be just be for a love of the medium / work to protect and stand up for it and your colleagues work - but again it is a pretty sweeping comment that he has made with no references to back it up.

    Whilst I agree with you that the traditional definition of a UK comic / industry is in trouble (I don't see it as dead..yet as there are still at least 5 traditional style comics being being published) I do still agree with his overall point that there is a comic industry (maybe not much a thriving one) it has just changed with the times, sadly I think the next 3-5 year will see even more change in what is considered a comic.

  2. It's even worse than a serious accusation to make, McS - it's an utterly absurd accusation. I agree with your opinion that it's normal human behaviour to stand up for the area in which you work, but to deny there's a fire in your house when it's being consumed by a raging inferno is hardly sensible. Now, c'mon, McS - you're too smart to consider 5 traditional style comics as an industry - that sounds more like a hobby to me.

    You're likely right with your final assessment, but calling something by a name when it doesn't really fit the accepted or traditional description hardly makes it so. At least, not to those who know better. By that standard, the JW's Watchtower mag could be regarded as a comic. (Probably not a great example, as there are many who probably do just that.)

  3. Yeah really silly comments aren't they,I think he may have been trying to impress some fellow pals /fans of his and took his eyes of theball - a pity as that let down what could have been a good article.

    I meant the 5 traditional comics plus others (non traditional but with a fair comic strip content) like Dr Who Adventures, Spidey Magazine, Epic, Thunderbirds etc and then Toxic etc with only 2 or 3 strips and reprint comics - not an industry in the traditional sense but to me it's not dead yet (ask me in a couple of years my reply may well be very different)

  4. I suppose it's down to how you define the word 'industry', McS. If you once owned several garages in different parts of the country, employing hundreds of workers who performed M.O.T.s and car repairs, etc., and it all went tits up and you ended up doing repairs from the lock-up at the side of your house, then you might still have a business of sorts, but it could hardly be considered an 'industry' anymore. Not a precise analogy, but it's the best I can do at this time in the morning. It's sufficient for making the point 'though, if you don't over-analyze it.

  5. What British comics do we have left? I can only name 2000AD, Beano, Commando and Phoenix. Is Commando a comic or a pocket library book! That's not an industry! Now if he'd said the magazine industry was thriving I would have accepted it. Comics industry? It's pushing up daisies, ceased to be, nailed to its perch.....

  6. I suppose Commando is a pocket library comic, but it's not really aimed at the kids, is it? I's mainly guys (I imagine) with military fixations, or WWII veterans wanting to recapture their past. (Could be wrong 'though.) One of the dictionary definitions of 'industry' is 'economic activity', but that's what I call industry with a small 'i'. Economic activities like car production, steel manufacture, etc., are what I would have called Industries with a capital 'I'. British comics used to be a capital 'I' industry, but it's essentially now clinically dead. What's left is an empty 'shell' hooked up to life support system. The spirit has long since departed 'though.


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