Saturday, 19 December 2015


A few posts back I was talking about a polystyrene cement called BRITFIX 77 (manufactured by HUMBROL) that was 'the' model kit glue of the 1960s.  Guess what?  I managed to obtain one from eBay, so I thought I'd post a picture of it.  Bring back any happy memories for anyone?

I don't mean glue-sniffing - I'm talking about assembling (and painting) those great AIRFIX and AURORA plastic model kits of your childhood. 


  1. I don't know if Britfix 77 was still around in the mid-'70s when I was assembling my Airfix models but it doesn't ring a bell - I probably didn't take any notice of the glue though. I've never bought anything on e-bay but I'm amazed at what can be found on there - a used tube of glue ?? I assume it's been used - the tube looks flat in that photo :D

  2. It's not entirely flat, CJ, but it's not full. The glue inside is dried up however. I just wanted it for the logo on the tube and the box.

  3. Dear Kid
    Is it still made? Or do you know of an equivalent?

    Many thanks

  4. Britfix 77 was made by Humbrol, and Humbrol still manufacture polystyrene cement (not called Britfix 77 though). It should be available in any model shop and you can buy it via Amazon. Just Google-search Humbrol polystyrene cement.


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