Wednesday 30 December 2015


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Ten more PLANET Of The APES covers from Mighty MARVEL's mid-'70s British weekly to enthrall you this time around, folks.  Not many of these images strike a chord with me, so I'm uncertain whether I was still buying the comic at this time, though I suspect I must've been.  Do any of these covers ring a bell in the belfry of your mind?  Then let's read your reminiscences in the comments section, Ape fans.


  1. Remember most of these. Glad to see someone else thought they were not the best.

  2. Don't let CJ hear you, Phil - he thinks they were wonderful. Although they did the job, I suppose.

    1. We were still living with Steranko, Kirby, Colan, Curt Swan, Neal Adams, etc. so these covers were sort of eh.... Not so great. And after seeing the painted Ape covers I wish they had used more of them.

  3. Actually, Kid - I agree a lot of these covers aren't that great but #20 is terrific in my opinion. They did start to use more of the painted covers later on though. It's odd that three of the above covers - 11, 16 and 18 - originally appeared as painted versions on the front of the U.S. magazine but they were redrawn for the UK weekly. I always took my issues of POTA to school with me and - disaster !! - I left #13 on the school bus but the next day my friend, David Meredith, handed me my lost comic which he'd found on the bus and kept for me !

  4. That's what you call a friend, CJ. You still pally with him?


    I suspect that lower page rates were paid on those covers, Phil, which is why (except for reprints) top tier artists weren't used so often.


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