Wednesday 23 December 2015


Copyright relevant owner

Never bought TIGER (or JAG) when I was a kid, but I'd read a few issues from time to time, so I knew about ROY Of The ROVERS and JOHNNY COUGAR - as well as SKID SOLO and a few other strips.  Have to admit, this is a nicely atmospheric cover that reminds me of the Christmases of my childhood.  How about you?


  1. Great stuff Kid. Comics and Christmas really works for me :D

  2. Me too! There's just something about them, isn't there? Merry Christmas, Scoop.

  3. Tiger (and Jag) was never one of my regular purchases either but I read a fair amount of them as it was my best pals (at the time) comic of choice. I still have a few early Tigers from this time - I seem to recall that Tiger used to be a similar size to JAG (maybe not quite as big) before it underwent a revamp to the ultra slick format shown here- a great wee comic in its day.

  4. Jag was around the same size as Topper and Beezer, but I don't recall Tiger ever being that big, McS, although it could've been before I became aware of it. All these comics gone, eh? And nothing equivalent in their place today.


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