Tuesday 22 December 2015


Image copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Here's a nice Christmassy scene to put you in the mood for
the big day.  I wonder if any of today's comic covers will match
this one for capturing the flavour of the season?  Doubt it.


  1. I saw the Christmas Beano on sale last week but I can't comment on the cover as it was inside a bag and the front of the bag just featured pictures of the free gifts. The cover shown here is lovely though - oh, if only Christmas felt like Christmas instead of never-ending wind and rain and temperatures more like September than December :(

  2. I haven't seen it yet, CJ. I've bought The Christmas Beano every year since 1978, but this year may be the one in which I give it up.

  3. The Christmas Beano is £3.99, not sure if thats the norm but it seems expensive to me for 36 pages (although the "gift" has a lot of stuff in it that kids I think would enjoy). I read somewhere that the cover (by Nigel Parkinson) under the toys is in black and white cover and is part of a "contest" where kids can colour it in and send it to the Beano who might publish it on their website. My last Xmas Beano was about 1970 so it may well have been this very issue (which is pretty cool)

    The 2000AD Christmas special is a 100 pager and looks interesting but at £4.99 I may not bother (but it does look very good - Im just a casual reader of 2000AD and a tight git!)

  4. I think it's ridiculous that publishers are now exploiting the Christmas market with overpriced issues, McS. It's like charity shops charging higher prices because they know there's a collector's market for some items. "Oor Wullie books sell for ££££s on eBay, so we'll charge a few quid for all Oor Wullie books!" sort of mentality. Christmas issues were always better (I thought) when they were just a regular issue (as in same size, same price) with some seasonal content and snow on the logo. That'd do for me. Now The Beano includes some cheap lucky bag tat and bumps up the price by about £3. Takes the magic out of the comic rather than puts it in, in my view. Bah, humbug!


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