Monday, 21 December 2015



As we're getting very near to Christmas, I thought I'd get us all in the mood by sharing a nice Yuletide scene.  I've shown this before, but is there anyone who'd ever tire of seeing this evocative ROBERT NIXON masterpiece again?  Thought not.


  1. Great piece of art to be sure and I was wondering if a festive Frankie, or other character, would make an appearance on your blog prior to the 25th - and here we are! I must admit I'll always prefer Frankie as Ken Reid originally drew him but Robert Nixon's version is growing on me, chiefly due to the examples you've been posting.

  2. It's pages of art like this, PC, which made me re-evaluate Nixon's Frankie work. It's really grown on me in the last few months. Reid's strips are truly mental in content, but Nixon's strips make Frankie more lovable, I think. To people our age, it's Reid's art which defines the character, but Frankie actually had a much higher profile in the '70s.


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