Wednesday 2 December 2015



Here's BIFF from WHAM!, masquerading under the name of SAM from THUNDER.  Drawn, I believe, by LEO BAXENDALE.  Not one of his best strips under either name, it has to be said, but still well worth a look.  Probably wouldn't be allowed today for being too violent.


  1. I am pretty sure this one isn't by Leo, although I don't know the name of the imitator.

  2. You're most likely correct, Irmy. I didn't study it too hard, but whoever it's by has managed to capture the look of Bax's version quite well. Wasn't a great strip 'though, was it? - just punch-ups all the time. Mind you, it was the same with Shiner from Chips, but his tales had more going for them, in that you wondered how he'd manage to hide his black eye from his mum.


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