Friday 6 November 2015


Images copyright DC COMICS

Back in 1982, I attended a comics mart in Glasgow's ROYAL STUART HOTEL and ran into artist BRIAN BOLLAND as he signed autographs for some teenage fans.  Seizing the opportunity, I asked for one as well, but only had a calendar tab on me for the coming year - so he kindly signed that.  Still got it in fact, might post it on the blog one day if anyone's interested in seeing it.

Anyway, a while back I bought The DC VAULT, a folder which contains all sorts of goodies, one of them (well, two actually) being these reproductions of BB's pencils and inks for a WONDER WOMAN cover (#63 June 1992).  Good to see how a master does it, isn't it?  If you practise hard, you might one day be as good as this, but only if you have the inherent talent to begin with.

Now, who says I never encourage budding artists?


  1. Been a fan of Mr Bolland's work since way back in the 2000AD Dredd days, through Camelot and The Killing Joke - and it always impressed me how the integrity of his linework was maintained when he started adding rendering in Photoshop with the DC covers. Always interesting too to see how an artists pencil rendition either loses or gains via the inking process. Thanks for posting.

  2. A very 'clean' and precise renderer, PC. Shame he's not working on a high profile DC or Marvel mag. Shame for the readers that is, but comics probably don't pay enough for the work he puts in.


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