Wednesday 4 November 2015


The FLINTSTONES movie received some mixed reviews when it was released in 1994, but I thought the live-action re-creation of the cartoon's opening titles was great.  What do you think?


  1. Lord help us. I'm just glad there's never been a live-action Simpsons movie. What is this obsession with turning every cartoon or comic-strip character into a live-action film ?

  2. You can't say that, CJ - you're an atheist, for goodness sake. Well, TV shows and movies have been turned into comic strips and comic strips have been turned into live-action TV shows and movies, so I don't see why a cartoon should be exempt. Want to explain why you think otherwise?

  3. Kid, I don't mind watching a movie-length cartoon of The Flintstones (and The Simpsons Movie in 2006 was a movie-length cartoon) but I just don't see the need to turn a cartoon into a live-action film - just because it can be done doesn't mean it has to be done. Look at the Scooby Doo movie, it was utter rubbish.

  4. By that logic, no movies would ever be made, CJ. Name any rubbish movie - Plan 9 From Outer Space, for example. Should that mean that no other movies should ever be made again? Of course not! So even if one cartoon-turned-live-action movie is rubbish (and I thought Scooby Doo was okay for a light entertainment film for kids), that doesn't necessarily mean that all future live-action 'cartoons' will be. Who Framed Roger Rabbit was a good 'un, I thought. (Even 'though it was a hybrid.)

  5. I saw this in the cinema when it was out, and loved it - maybe I was just the right age for it? My ninth birthday, a Flintstones-themed birthday by the end of it. Got a video and a T-shirt and shorts and the cassette of this film's theme song by the B-52's (or the BC-52's as they were renamed for the film, clever that!).

    Halle Berry's in this, from before she became a superstar of sorts.

  6. I just view them as cartoons, THB, but with live actors (and/or CGI). It's interesting to see what can be done with them. I thought the Yogi Bear movie from a few years back was actually quite funny, in the main.

  7. I had no problem with it I rather enjoyed it. I was/am a big Flinstones fan and so ‘got’ many of the references thought the film, spotted Hanna and Barbera’s cameos and so forth. But I also liked creative movies, anything with thought to it and enjoyed anything with puppets Henson’s Workshop more so and their Dinosaur puppets were great. CGI was becoming popular and I had high expectations for it (I never thought I would become bored of it). The plot felt like several Flinstones plots packed together and with the music felt like an actual episode that ran a little longer than it needed to… I’ve heard many complain about it over the years but as much as I love the show, they did have a fair few duff episodes and numerous references that are dated by today’s standards. (Besides, ‘Viva Rock Vagas’ was much, much worse! And so made it shine all the brighter). Another thing that came through was how much the cast wanted to be there, they are having fun with it.
    I wanted it to work and as far as I was concerned –it worked. When Scooby- Doo came out I wanted it to work- it did…sort of…. I didn’t want Yogi to work and I haven’t seen yet, I might just do it now, as you are the third to tell me it’s worth checking out…

  8. As regards the Yogi movie, AJ, I thought it would have been better if Dan Aykroyd had played Ranger Smith as well as providing the voice for Yogi, because he looks funny in a 'cartoony' sort of way. His Yogi voice is nothing like his own, so it would've worked. That's my only reservation, thoroughly enjoyed it otherwise.


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