Friday 6 November 2015


Images copyright DC COMICS

Remember the DOUBLE DOUBLE COMICS of the '60s?  Well, despite the name of the above ashcan edition, it has nothing to do with them.  As you'll know (if you know anything about comics) publishers used to produce what were called ashcan editions for the purpose of securing copyright on a title.  There was only a limited amount of each of these editions printed, which never reached the newsstands unless produced as a regular periodical.

Only three copies of this ashcan edition are known to exist and, so far, no copies of #1 have ever surfaced.  However, just because there's a #2 doesn't necessarily mean there was ever an actual #1.  Usually, only the cover and a few pages were run off, and I daresay old strips were sometimes included just to fill space - except when there was a new strip that the publishers wanted to copyright in a hurry before their competitors beat them to it with something similar.

So feast your eyes and enjoy a rare piece of comics history.

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