Wednesday 18 November 2015


Now I see what SUPERMAN saw
in LOIS LANE - and I don't need x-ray
vision.  Crivs - TERI HATCHER!


  1. I remember my dad saying he only watched The New Adventures of Superman for Teri Hatcher and Tracy Scoggins. He also claimed he only watched Star Trek: Voyager for Jeri Ryan (Seven of Nine) but actually he'd been watching it since episode 1 and Jeri didn't join the show till season 4.

  2. Had an eye for the babes then, eh, CJ? A man of taste, obviously.

  3. A stunning looking lady (even better lookign as she has gotten older) and she is a pretty good TV and theatre actress as well.

  4. Stunning indeed, McS, and still stunning. However, I saw her in an episode of Quantum Leap when she was younger and she was even better-looking than she was in Lois & Clark, I thought.

  5. They're real....and they're spectacular

  6. Oh, they're more than spectacular, Tony - they're magnificent as well.

  7. Of course nowadays Teri Hatcher is most famous for 'Desperate Housewives' which I've never seen. And apparently Dean Cain is in the new Supergirl TV show playing her adopted dad.

  8. Never seen Desperate Housewives either, CJ (apart from the ones that live in my street and keep asking me in for a cuppa when their hubbies are at work - aye, right). I hear John Sillyman (what's that? Barrowman? Nah, I was right the first time) was in it, so that would've been another reason for not watching it.

  9. Her first tv appearances were on Macguyver since she was dating ...what's his name. I forget I'm old.

  10. I looked it up - Richard Dean Anderson. Don't think I ever saw it, and don't even know whether it was even broadcast over here.

  11. Kid, MacGyver was definitely broadcast in the UK - I remember it well and my father was a big fan. MacGyver was a kind of jack-of-all-trades who'd invent things with whatever was handy in order to get out of whatever scrape he was in that week.

  12. I'll take your word for it, CJ. I do know that I never saw it, or even knew of it.

  13. "MacGyver" was on the Sci-Fi channel (or "Syfi" as it is now called) recently - I don't recall it on terrestrial TV (or as we call it up here "council tv" ie BBC, ITV etc).

  14. I read that the BBC showed it in the mid-'80s, McS, but that, of course, could possibly have been "except for viewers in Scotland". (How many times have we heard those words?)

  15. "Council TV" ? You learn something new every day.

  16. Well, you do on this blog, CJ.

  17. I recall that "except for viewers in Scotland" addition when "Planet of the Apes" TV series was first aired and I was fair annoyed at the time, I saw it a few years later and to be honest (imho) I didn't miss much (sorry Colin I know your a big apes fan)

    Yeah "Council TV" (or to get the pronunciation correct "coon-cul TV) refers to the basic 5 "free" channels (yeah free with a £150 TV license) rather disparagingly referring to those folk that live in a council estate and cant afford cable etc

  18. It always seemed to happen when something I was particularly looking forward to was coming on. "And now, Jim Reeves stars in his one and only movie - Kimberley Jim. Except for viewers in Scotland, where we now go over to the Knitting Championships in Karloomphie Town Hall..." B@st@rds!


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