Wednesday 25 November 2015


One of my favourite
Page 3 pin-ups of the '70s -


  1. You can stop this segment now - you've reached the apex.

  2. Oh, BS, there's more, there's more.

  3. This young lady first came to my attention (and how could she not?) appearing as Billie Deane in a 1972 issue of Penthouse. This pic looks to be from about that time, and later turned up (or popped out if you like) with a different hairstyle as a Page 3 regular. It seems a lot of the models back then would appear in various publications under various names. Girlie mags were and are still frowned upon by many but compared to the photo spreads, and I use that word intentionally, in their current editions the photos back in the early 70s were quite tasteful. In my opinion they were just that and tended to be quite flattering to the models rather than exploitive. (Don't get me started!) As with the comics - I know which era I prefer. Can't wait to see what you have ahead in these posts...

  4. We never got any newspapers in my house - in October 1980 my English teacher, Mrs. Roberts, said we were going to spend a lesson studying newspapers and told us all to bring in a newspaper. I got home and said to my mother "we have to bring in a paper, do you know any ?" - I was that clueless. She suggested the Daily Mirror so I took that one in a few days later. I can still remember the headline - "Foot Leaps Forward" - about Michael Foot in the Labour leadership election which is sort of topical as Jeremy Corbyn is probably as unelectable as poor old Footie.

  5. Yes, she appeared under quite a few names, PC. I think that was probably down to the editors, rather than the models. Gillian, I think, is the earliest Page 3 girl whose name I was aware of. What a stoater.


    Poor CJ. A childhood without being able to sneak a gander at the Page 3 girls. Oh, the deprivation.


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