Sunday, 4 October 2015


Characters copyright relevant and respective owners

Try not to weep, wail, or gnash your teeth, frantic ones, but this is the final post for the moment of TV EXPRESS WEEKLY covers.  Remember, most of these images were scanned from my own personal issues before I parted company with them to make space.  I now wish I'd scanned more of the interior pages, but the HANNA-BARBERA strips were the only ones that really interested me.  I do have scans of some of the back cover joke pages, which I'll post if anyone else really wants to see them.  Anyway, I'd love to prattle on some more (you all know how much  I love to read my own words), but I'm overcome with emulsion.
And now, enjoy the covers on display for your pondering perusal.

And, finally, here are a couple of covers from before the comic had 'TV' added to the title.  Look at that terrific RON EMBLETON WULF The BRITON strip - spectacular stuff.


  1. Brilliant series , Kid. Loved 'em all.
    I wonder how long it took Ron GL knock that one out?

  2. Couldn't even begin to guess, JP.


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