Friday, 23 October 2015


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Here's a nice 'little' tome I picked up in a local comicbook store recently - The MARVEL LEGACY Of JACK KIRBY.  An exploration, month by month, of all the stories and covers Jack produced for TIMELY, ATLAS, and MARVEL (almost a trinity of sorts - three in one) over his lengthy career at the 'House Of Ideas'.  With a plethora of pulse-pounding pictures, plus personal reminiscences from industry stalwarts, this is one slip-cased titanic tome that belongs on the shelves of every Jack 'King' Kirby fan.  "Don't ask - just buy it!"


  1. What a BEAUTIFUL book! You've sold me on it!

  2. Well worth having, JP - you'll love it. It's one of those books that is great either to browse through or study in more detail - whichever strikes the reader's fancy.


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